About Dr. Hahn
After graduating from Barnard College, I received a master's degree in English literature from Columbia University. Later I studied for a master's in Counseling Psychology from Harvard University and, subsequently, received my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia.

I continued my psychotherapy training during a four-year program at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy. My work as a psychotherapist has been informed by my extensive postgraduate training, as well as by my teaching and supervision of other psychotherapists. My professional presentations on shyness, healing rituals, and child psychotherapy reflect my broad range of interests.
Currently, I supervise advanced psychotherapists at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and doctoral candidates at the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University. I am on the faculty of the New York Institute for Psychotherapy Training in Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence. My professional opinions have been quoted in publications such as Cosmopolitan and The New Yorker.
Hahn, H. (2015). They Left it All Behind: Psychological Experiences of Jewish Immigration and the Ambiguity of Loss. In M. OÕLoughlin (Ed.), The Ethics of Remembering and the Consequences of Forgetting: Essays on Trauma, History, and Memory (pp. 179-200). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Wasserman, G., Shilansky, M., and Hahn, H. (1986). A Matter of Degree: Maternal Interaction with Infants of Varying Levels of Retardation. Child Study Journal, Vol. 16, 4.
Hahn, H. (2006, January). A Cross Cultural Study of Dissociation and Altered States of Consciousness in Healing Rituals. Varieties of Dissociation Conference. Ubud, Bali.
Hahn, H. (2005, February). A Safe Place to Stand: The Holding Environment with Child Patients and Their Parents. Lecture Series of the Society for the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy. N.Y.C.
Hahn, H. (2001, May). “If you get any closer, I’m going to run”: Engagement and Psychotherapeutic Action with a schizoid patient. Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy. N.Y.C.
Hahn, H. (1999, October). Niche Marketing: Infertility. In G. Stutman (Chair), New Frontiers for Psychologists: Diverse Practice Options. NYSPA Annual Convention. Lake George, N.Y.
Hahn, H. (1995). If Linus’ Blanket Were Lucy’s Too: Sex Differences in Transitional Object Use. Dissertation. Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Hahn, H. (1989). Mothers’ Experience of Likeness to their Practicing Age Infants: The Effects of Gender. Conference of the Association of Women in Psychology. New York City.